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dimanche 25 janvier 2015

On 05:00 by Unknown in ,    No comments

Is it harder for you to get rid of excess pounds after the birth of your child? According to new research has been conducted in the University of Chicago, you are not the only ones that suffer from this problem. The research found that 75% of women who gave birth was not able to full weight-loss which Akedzpinh during pregnancy even within a year after birth.

The good news is that there are many ways that will help you achieve your goal and lose weight quickly and healthily after the birth of your child, here are the most important in the following:

- Keep healthy and nutrient-rich foods near you: When you think about eating a snack, SELECT fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats such as avocados and almonds.
- Stay away from sugars and high-fat desserts.
- Gay to breastfeeding: Some studies have shown that breastfeeding, in addition to the numerous benefits, contribute to weight loss in the mother.
- Make sure to keep your body hydrated by drinking enough fluids, as one might sometimes between feeling thirsty and feeling hungry so err Asthlka plenty of fluids to make sure you understand the signals sent by the body when hungry.
- Marcy exercise, especially walking, which you can follow with your baby, who will escort you in his vehicle....

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