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mardi 20 janvier 2015

On 11:42 by Unknown in    No comments

 To keep fit, it does not matter just what we eat and how we eat also. In order to keep up a healthy weight, away from excess pounds, you should go half an hour on the table at the very least, because gorging on food quickly through the inevitable about weight gain.

Initially, the advice "I am a flower," you should never eat and you parked, and to avoid everything related to Balsandoecat. During lunch, it is best to eat at the table, and keep always in front of you in accordance with diverse. The dish helps our brain to estimate the quantity that makes it feel full.

Second, you can choose foods Taudk on chewing. Stay away temporarily from everything that is milled, and choose vegetables, meat, bread, and all break down under the molars. Whenever jaw movement was more intense, more Hrguena more calories. The chewing food quietly and leisurely, helps in the sense of satiety for a longer period, which will help later in mitigation of gorging on food between meals viewer.

You should at least Tamadga every bit a dozen times, before swallowing. In the beginning, you have to work it. In the beginning you will find it difficult, but within weeks will become automatic chewing process. Gerbhe starting from today.

On the other hand, you accustom your tongue, the taste of foods. This does not Tmzja a lot of ingredients in one dish. Of course do not mean it to eat pizza divided, no onions separately, and olives on the unit, and the cheese separately, as in the TV ad is funny. Intent to eat, for example, power alone, and grilled chicken breast later. When mix everything at once, forget the taste. When we do so, our tummies find it difficult to accommodate all flowing to it, for this we feel tired and sleepy after a meal.

And so the time does not pass heavy and you're trying to eat your food slowly, never eat alone. Make mealtime time collectively, with family, with friends or if you eat outside. When you eat, accompanied by one of them, automatically lengthens the time to sit at the table, because you will not completely Ttafrga of the dish, but Stbran of another's up with you, and Ststmaan them in return. Thus, Sttvadin eat in front of the TV, or in front of a computer, because it Expk a lot of pounds.

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