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lundi 19 janvier 2015

On 13:41 by Unknown in    No comments

In a recent blog Dr. Christiane Noethrup asks the question: "What is your biggest concern when thinking about your health as they age? If we asked 100 people among our readers, it is likely that the majority of them would meet us they think of dementia or Alzheimer's disease. To date, no treatment has yet been developed for these diseases ... or maybe yes? "

Dr. Northrup refers to the writings of a leading expert in the field, Dr. David Perlmutter, a doctor specializing in neurology and author of Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar-Your Brain's Silent Killers (grain of the brain: the surprising truth about wheat, carbohydrates, and sugar - the silent killers of your brain). This eminent scientist discovered precisely what the title of his book suggests.

Dr. Perlmutter says gluten, carbohydrates and sugars can affect the health of your brain. And consumption of large amounts of gluten and simple carbohydrates, especially over a long period of time, can lead to health problems such as memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, migraines, surplus weight, depression, muscle aches, insomnia, or anxiety, and also of neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, or epilepsy.

If this seems incredible to you, consider this: the current food guide in the United States recommends eating 6-8 servings 6 ounces of carbohydrates per day. When we talk about carbohydrates, we refer to rice, bread, pasta, cereals (fruits and vegetables also contain carbohydrates, but they are classified in a different category.) There are only a few years, the recommendations were 6- 11 servings per day.

And now, after many years to follow these recommendations, the number of Americans who suffer from obesity, diabetes, dementia, depression, and Alzheimer reached a worrying peak. It's obvious what you eat is important - particularly in relation to brain health .

Atténuez l’inflammation : 

When you consume foods that contain gluten and simple sugars, it produces a rise in your blood sugar. And when your blood sugar is high, not only can produce systemic inflammation, but it can also lead to the deterioration of the blood brain barrier. This barrier prevents toxins, bacteria and other foreign substances to jeopardize the health of your brain. So, you probably want to do everything you can to protect the blood brain barrier, is not it?

Because once the blood brain barrier is damaged, the brain is more sensitive to toxic substances. And this can also lead to chronic inflammation. When the brain is affected by inflammation, it shrinks - and this produces neurological disorders, such as loss of memory and motor problems.

Dr. Northrup says that when we talk of inflammation, the brain is not like other body parts. If you stretch a muscle in your arm, it will swell and you will feel pain. These are signals that tell you that you need to rest your arm until the swelling and pain disappear. Unlike your arm, your brain does not have pain sensors, which means that there is nothing to indicate that he suffers from inflammation.

Nourriture pour le cerveau : 

Even if it does not exist yet approved treatments against dementia and Alzheimer's disease, there is something you can do right now! To return to Dr. Perlmutter. He found himself and He convinced many of his patients to follow a gluten free diet, low in carbohydrates and sugars, and his results are surprising.

When you were young, you were probably told you that the fish was good for your brain. The fats in fish are definitely good for brain health and some of these fats are saturated fats! Yes! Lawyers, coconut oil, beef raised on pasture, wild fish, butter, and cheese are also good for the brain.

Dr. Permutter reminds us that we need to consume saturated fat and that humans have always eaten saturated fats. Although human milk contains 50% saturated fat!

And the brain comprises 60% fat. Doctors and scientists now confirm more that you can rebuild your brain, simply by consuming healthy fats. And lately, amazing results were obtained by one of the people with Alzheimer's disease to reduce levels by consuming only 4 c. table by day of coconut oil.

Saturated fats which are found in butter, beef, and cheese were considered our worst enemies for about 30 years. And if we go back to the people who were told to consume 6-11 servings of carbohydrates each day, it is also advised them to eat all fats sparingly. However, this advice has proved harmful to the brain.

If you choose to reintroduce the butter in your diet, reduce your intake of carbohydrates - and that includes all the carbs, even whole healthy grains, vegetables and fruits. The idea is to eat foods low in carbohydrates, and make sure that, when combined, you will not consume foods that do much to increase the level of sugar in your blood. Although it is believed that brown rice and fruits are healthy choices, these foods will affect your blood sugar if consumed in excess.

Dr. Permutter gives this advice: all vegetables that grow on the surface of the earth, such as spinach, lettuce, and cauliflower contain less sugars and starchy vegetables that grow in the ground, as potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes and beets.

It's still very good news ... We can improve the health of our brain, simply by having a diet that limits or eliminates gluten and excess carbohydrates, and adding healthy fats. And it is not only our brain but our bodies that will benefit!


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